Heres a little story first.
In August of 2013, a little yellow kitten showed up at our home. He wouldnt come near me at first. I would bring out food for him, he would eat it, and play with whatever I could find to dangle in front of him. Winter came, and we had a cold snap. like 30 below, with A LOT of snow, I didnt see him for about 2 months, I was really worried about him. One afternoon, I heard a cat meowing like crazy, I looked out the window, and there he was on top of the next door neighbors house. I went outside with some food, and since that day, he has been in my lap. Every Time I would go out side to do something, there he was. Id never met an outside cat so friendly before.
I tried to get him to come inside, but he wouldn't for the longest time. He would just step in the door, eat a little, and run back out.
I got a voucher from my county animal shelter, and took him to the vet had him "fixed" and all of his shots. Since August of 2014, hes been inside. And has gained about 10 pounds, lol. He acts like hes been inside his whole life. Never has missed his litter box. My daughter picks him up and drags him around. Im very thankful hes such a sweet cat that found us!
He loves to lay in my bed with me, on his back, and loves having his chest rubbed. I dont think hes stopped purring since hes been inside! He found and adopted ADM, my mom and I!! We are his people!
I've had many cats, and they are my favorite house pet. All the ones that have owned me, have been awesome pets!!
ok, so this kit released today by, Angelique's Scraps is called, Cats From Heaven.
This kit has 61 elements, and 16 papers. Its a cat kit. Perfect for scrapping your beautiful cat!
Here is a preview of the kit, which can be found in both of her stores, Scrap From France, and DigiScrapbooking,.

In August of 2013, a little yellow kitten showed up at our home. He wouldnt come near me at first. I would bring out food for him, he would eat it, and play with whatever I could find to dangle in front of him. Winter came, and we had a cold snap. like 30 below, with A LOT of snow, I didnt see him for about 2 months, I was really worried about him. One afternoon, I heard a cat meowing like crazy, I looked out the window, and there he was on top of the next door neighbors house. I went outside with some food, and since that day, he has been in my lap. Every Time I would go out side to do something, there he was. Id never met an outside cat so friendly before.
I tried to get him to come inside, but he wouldn't for the longest time. He would just step in the door, eat a little, and run back out.
I got a voucher from my county animal shelter, and took him to the vet had him "fixed" and all of his shots. Since August of 2014, hes been inside. And has gained about 10 pounds, lol. He acts like hes been inside his whole life. Never has missed his litter box. My daughter picks him up and drags him around. Im very thankful hes such a sweet cat that found us!
He loves to lay in my bed with me, on his back, and loves having his chest rubbed. I dont think hes stopped purring since hes been inside! He found and adopted ADM, my mom and I!! We are his people!
I've had many cats, and they are my favorite house pet. All the ones that have owned me, have been awesome pets!!
ok, so this kit released today by, Angelique's Scraps is called, Cats From Heaven.
This kit has 61 elements, and 16 papers. Its a cat kit. Perfect for scrapping your beautiful cat!
Here is a preview of the kit, which can be found in both of her stores, Scrap From France, and DigiScrapbooking,.
Here is my page, with my cat.
His name is, Hawkeye. He is yellow, which is one of the colors of our home football team, "The Hawkeyes!" (I call him tubbers though! hehe!)
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