Monday, January 23, 2023


Lets talk about family. Are you close to yours? 
They say that when the glue of the family goes, then the family follows. 
Isn't that a fucking true statement. 
I have 2 bio sisters, 1 adopted sister, and a half brother. 
I talk to one sister, and my adopted sister.
Our mom got sick, she was diagnosed with, Pancreatic Cancer. 
It was horrible watching my mom basically die before my eyes. This is one of the cancers you wouldn't think would hit your home.  But it did.  Pancreatic Cancer.  The survival rate is low. 
I moved in with my mom to help her.  I took her to her DRs appointments, her chemo, her radiation. Even when she would wake me up in the middle of the night needing to go to the ER.  I called 911 many times. 
I needed help. A few times, my niece came to stay the night at our house so I could go stay the night with my man. There was a nurse that would come out and help her shower.
But other than that, it was me.  
My mom was our glue. 
My daughter came down with the flu, and had a 102. Temp. So mom couldn't be around her. So she went with her dad.  Then it hit me.  So my oldest sister came and got her so she could stay there.  Now, this is the sister who kept telling mom to sell the house and move in with her.  When asked about me, she said, "oh well"  mom kept telling her no. 
So when she finally went there, that was the end.  She had had about 16 blood transfusions that week.  Her body was slowly shutting down.  Mom had her stuff in the washer, when it was done, I took it to her. She asked me if I brought her shoes, because she wanted to go home to die. The home she worked her ass off for, for 30 some years. Her home. Where it was quiet. Every time is go see her, she was worse than the day before. She'd always ask me if I brought her her shoes.  Treatments were stopped. And suddenly,  she had allllllllll the help, i couldn't have.  I was devastated.  My mom. The one who taught me everything,  but how to live without her. 
So I had had surgery on May 24 on my left hand, 2nd time around.  When I got home, I called the lady that was with her to let her know I was home, and the surgery went fine. I was going to rest a bit and go see her. 
About 30 minutes later I got the text that she had passed.  My other sister came and got me since I couldn't because of my surgery. 
Losing her was horrible. Especially to something that you can't do anything for. 
There were songs she wanted to have played that she told me about, but when I mentioned it, it was dismissed. 
So, I find out my sister's got a tattoo for our mom, without me.  
And then I heard the rumors about me. And what I heard of what I "did" made me sick. I about threw up. My head was spinning. And then It clicked.  That's why my family would walk away when I walked over to them.  Or ignore me.  Then my half-brother, not from MY mom, messaged me and chewed me out on what I supposedly "did"  he was drunk, as usual. I really haven't spoken to that sister in about 3 years, or to my half-brother.  I don't care too.  
I'm so sick of people spewing shit that isn't true.  
So, if you think for one second that I didn't treat my mom right, 
So, family isn't your blood. It's your people that know you.  That trust you. That check up on you, people that offer their shoulder, people that say, "screw them" 
My tribe is a small one.  And that's how I like it. I don't need a huge tribe, I don't want a huge tribe.  I trust my tribe, I love my tribe. 
As long as I know what the truth is, then they can fuck off.  They weren't there. They didn't help me. 
I hate the fact I was the last one to know about these rumors, I'm unable to do damage control.  All I can say is this, these people spewing shit, they're opinions.  And I try to let them go,  but it's hard to because the shit said, was horrible.  
So, I'm going to wrap this up, I am frustrated now,  and want to chew them out, again.
Real eyes realize, real lies. 
Mic drop. 

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