Monday, November 13, 2023


How do you dream?
Full color?  Black and white? 
Do you see 3d or is it like a magazine or a movie?
I have vivid dreams. 
 I have the same dreams. 
In 2001, I had a fire that destroyed my home and everything in it even my kitty.  I was supposed to be there, taking a nap,  but I ended up leaving right before it started.   In one dream, I'm at my home in sutliff, and wake up to my home on fire.  I try and throw a boot at the window and it won't break. Its weird, because just the top 2 feet of the home is on fire. And I can't get out.  My cat is at my feet.  I grab him and hoover down.  And I wake up.  
My other dream, is I go back there to get my stuff because only the top 2 feet is burning.  It's still on fire.   I'm trying to hide from the land owner, he's in his machine shed right next to my home.  I go in and I'm home.  It's like I'm back and all of my things are there. I don't want to leave, I want to be home.  I look around like I'm in a store looking at stuff that I've never seen before.   I'm there trying to get what I want out of my home before he sees me.  I don't want anything to do with him.  He tried to make sexual advances to me and I didn't want him around me.   I'm home. And I wake up.   It's a nightmare.  I wake up sweaty, I realize it's a dream and try to go back to sleep. 
I had this really wonderful friend she became one of my best friends, she was killed in a car accident in January of 2006. So couple months later I'm planning my wedding, and so I send one to her husband.  After the wedding we had a Target gift card, so we were in Target and I see her husband and he's with another lady, 
oh well, and she turns and goes down aisle and he turns around to visit with us, he apologizes for not attending our wedding. And small Chit Chat and we were on our way. 
So in my dream she is alive, and I need to go to her house to tell her that I saw her husband with some other lady.
I arrived to her house and she came out on the front porch and I was like trying to tell her and she looked at me and said "I know it's okay. Come on inside,"  so we went inside and it was a staircase leading up, so on the second Landing her boys were asleep on a bed, we went up another six steps and there is the landing, and there her was her husband sleeping in his bed, we went up another two Landings, and there was a door the very top and it was white and very bright she opened it up and it was just bright in there and she looked at me and said "I've got to go now,"  and I looked at her and said but,  "I had so much to tell you," and she said "it's okay I'll see you again." She walked in to that very bright room, and shut the door behind her. 
I woke up, in tears and sat straight up, and realized that I just walked my best friend to heaven.
It was such a beautiful, powerful, emotional dream. 
What's yours?

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