My dad remarried when I was about 5. They were in the Army together. Soon after, they had a baby. A boy. Dad, after 3 girls finally got his boy. Yay, a little brother. He was well protected with us girls always watching him, playing with him napping, snuggling with him. Our stepmother was very neat. Very organized, everything had its place. I swear she could smell if there was a toy out of place or a picture frame moved different. We counted doll shoes, matchbox cars, GI Joe dolls as well. Like I said, she was neat. Our dad and her had custody of us 2 younger girls while our oldest sister lived with our mom. We'd spend every other weekend with our mom then 2 weeks in the summer with her and maybe a few days with her over Christmas break. We followed the decree. Stepmom has 2 sisters. Those sisters each had 2 boys. We vacationed together at the same spot every year. Always had a blast.Now, with this post, don't get me wrong, I love my dad and stepmom. They raised me, (she didn't have too) and she did love us girls.With that being said, I don't agree with things done as we were growing up. If we didn't listen, we got our ears pulled. And hard. If we touched something we shouldn't have, we got our knuckles slapped with a wooden spoon. Once during the summer, us 2 girls and sometimes our younger brother would stay home during the day. We made popcorn. It burnt. We tried to hide the smell, and the popcorn bag in the garbage in the garage. They smelled it, found the bag, and we 2 girls got our asses beat, by our dad's hand. Now, after us girls moved on and out, we weren't mentioned at their family. Hell, one of her sisters divorced her husband. Met another man, remarried, and he had kids. Now, tell me why, they were listed in stepmoms mom and dad obituary, but us girls weren't. And then this brings me to the now, we are different politics wise. And, if who I voted for won, I sure as fuck wouldn't have texted that side of the family glorious texting, like they did me. Or, one "Aunt" deleted and blocked me on social media. Really? Didn't like my, basically, "fuck Trump" posts? So, I just deleted and blocked that whole side of the family. Fuck it. That right there is a tRump thing to do, be a bully. If anything I've learned from my dad? Is just turning my back on people. Buuuut, the Christian side my mom instilled on me? I can't. I can't turn my back. So, the next time I see these people, (if I ever do again...) just know, you'll get a smile and hug from me. Not a cold shoulder like I expect from them. I'm torn between treating people like I'm being treated or, treating people, the way I want to be treated. One thing MY mom taught me was to stand my ground. And I do. Always will. So,

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