Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Let's talk about Love. 
Look at your current situation.  
What is it about it that you love?
Are you in a relationship? 
Or just love being you and on your own? 
Living with the one you love isn't easy,  but it's not hard.  When your with them,  it shouldn't be about who did or didn't do what.   
Living with the one you love should go smooth,  like you two never missed a beat even though it took 20 years to find each other again.  
It should be making sure your man has clean clothes for the week , and a meal on the table after work, sitting down together as a family to eat dinner every night. 
We both love to do the same things, fishing, camping, Huskies, boating, eating, hunting, football, (i may have actually turned him on to football...😁)
Its meeting both families,  (blood or not)  and they all love you and your other. 
  It's not about what he bought me or a ring.   Or how big their bank account is, or their home. 
Showering together to save water,  watching some Hulu, and binge watch because you just want too. 
Being myself with him.  And know that its OK to let one rip around him, (blame it on the dog, lol) blasting the radio and singing at the top of my lungs, and he thinks I sound beautiful. (when I know I don't, lol) and knowing that I can tell him anything.  
Going to bed together every night, and knowing that their just in arms reach.  And every morning waking up together, to spend an hour before work, having coffee.   Watching your other with your fur-kids.  And with my human child.  I love how hes not jealous, picky, or mean to her.  They mesh well!  They throw food at each other at the dinner table, and try to scare each other too.
 And I know that he would do anything for her. 
I can literally count on one hand how many fights we have had in the almost seven years we have been together.  Why argue?  and over stupid stuff, like laundry, chores, or kids.  Its just doing them without the fight.  If you have to always ask yourself if you've made the right decision, then you probably didn't. Why stay and continue to fight, don't you want to be happy, and your other to be happy too?  Then just go.  Don't continue to be unhappy.
Love is a number of things.  We just have to find that other person that is the one you see yourself together in the future.   And there is someone for everyone! 
Peace and Love. 

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